Friday, August 19, 2011

Sniffer dogs can smell lung cancer on your breath

Great article on MSNBC.  We just need to give all animals more of a chance to show us what they are capable of. They are amazing creatures. Below is the link to this article.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Buy Your Pets a Gift

10) Because they don’t charge for therapy.
9)   Because they are good at keeping secrets.
8)   Because they are cute even when they are sleeping.
7)   Because they will never say you look fat in that outfit.
6)   Because they consider sniffing to be a form of social networking.
5)   Because they don’t care whom you vote for; they still love you.
4)   Because they are always happy to see you.
3)   Because they don’t care how loud you snore; they will sleep with you anyway.
2)   Because they think you are great whatever you do.
1)   Because they don’t need a gift receipt.