Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"We Are What We Eat" said the Dog to the Cat

Ick! Ack! What’s that? 

Over the last several years there have been more and more recalls of pet treats and food from China.  We have been told of the plastics or chemicals used in them to increase perceived volume or enhance flavor. However, whether it is China or another country most of the commercial pet foods contain waste from the human food industry.  With added hormones for boosting growth, preservatives for longer shelf-life, flavor-enhancers and coloring agents to make them attractive. I wouldn’t eat that, would you? Probably not, but poochie and kitty wouldn’t have a problem with it.

This is where you step in. The way what you eat affects your health and quality of life is the way what you feed your pets affects their quality health and quality life. The most common ailments from food are skin allergies and obesity, but animals are not impervious to getting diabetes, cancer, heart disease or many of the illnesses we suffer. When they eat all-natural or organic foods they experience increased energy, shinier and softer coats, improved skin conditions, increase in heart and muscle mass, strong bones, fewer digestive disorders and an overall improvement in immune system among several things.  

You don’t have to go to special or exclusive pet stores to find all-natural or organic or foods. They are more available than you may think.  At Pet Posse Presents we put only all-natural and organic treats in our pet gift baskets and major retailers such as Petco carry them. 

Yes, all-natural and organic foods cost a little more but that extra dollar or two could save you expensive vet bills in the future as well as extend the life of your pet. Knowing that poochie and kitty may be around another year or two is a happy feeling indeed. 

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